How I'm Navigating Perimenopause Naturally
This share is my personal experience of navigating Perimenopause naturally. It isn't an endorsement of or rejection of hormone...

Embracing the Wise Woman
Receptivity. Bearing witness. Honoring the No. Stepping fully into the Feminine. Embracing the wisdom. Recently I crossed into the winter...

May All Beings Everywhere be Free
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu- May all beings, everywhere, be happy and free. Last night I saw a video of a man being burned alive. I...

Chronic Fatigue & Perimenopause
“Menopause is like autumn leaves falling; it's a natural shedding of the old to make way for the new.” - Patricia Akins, author During...
My Journey with Perimenopause (so far)
Peri menopause- the years leading up to menopause. This season of our life usually starts in our 40s and transitions to menopause after...

My journey (so far) with Chronic Fatigue
For the first time in almost 8 years, I stopped. I needed a break. A break from the constant effort of building my career- from teaching...